A chat simulation with saving the last phrase

Actually, if it is not a online quiz, you can actually do it with saving .txt file in your phone, or in the asset.
Use the file components to get text from the .txt file.
This is not the best way but if you have very long text, it might be suitable.


Then @RusBoriska has to format it in the right way so there aren’t errors…


of course, but the text will be the same as he typed in the text block, so no problem.


Many thanks. I would like to experiment with a file in which all texts will be. Still, the option where there will be 1 file instead of 50 text blocks seems to me better. So I’ll try to do this and ask questions when I realize that I’m doing something wrong.

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Btw, you need the write external storage permission. If not the complied apk the file will not be able to get text.


Oh no, probably it will be too difficult for me. I am taking the first steps so far and want to move gradually. I should probably consider

or something different. But thanks for warning in advance.

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No worries, welcome! Everyone will learn how to kode correctly! :hugs:


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Thank you. Tomorrow I will try to return to this topic. And when I get errors, I will post them here.

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What am I doing wrong? I separate the questions with \n, but the result is only (Question1).

\n is used for line break in text file,
csv is comma separated value, which used comma “,” to separate.
The format is
Remeber no spaces for separating, and use list from csv row


The fact is that I do not want to use commas, because in real questions there will be their own commas inside the text, so I decided to try

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Use Do it to test what list from csv table return.
It should be working, or if not working try separate using \r\n
Or is it because you just select list index 1?

How to do it?

Since you are newbie, I will tell you only once, next time please search by yourself.
First connect to companion.
Right click and choose Do it.
View the Do it Result.
Btw I suggest you to open a new topic, because one topic should not have things other than your first post.

Thank you. Yes, I am sorry for such questions. I will create another topic.

Ok, here is the thing It makes a list thatContain a bunch of list.For example, Question 1 itself is a list, Question 2 is another list.So, in this situation, you have to use two select list.

Thank you very much for your help. Probably, I still will not dig deep into this topic for now. I am choosing “make a list” as the easiest, but longest option (in the future I want to make an extended version of this application, where there will be many arrays of questions, 6 blocks of 50 questions).

Or I will consider the option of loading data through a file as here.

In any case, you are absolutely right. This will be a completely different topic.
Thank you all again for your help.


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