Add deep link support in app

Thank you very much for understanding me. Thank you very much for the information you gave me.

Why it doesnā€™t work on Android 13

Well, some new things are required now. I clearly stated it in my previous post.
You have to upload assets links json file to .well-known folder in root of your domain.
Generate json file from here:

And then place this file at given location.

Hmm. I thought this extension can work without the assetlink.json file. Unfortunately I canā€™t edit my website files and so I was looking for a way without the assetlink.json file but I havenā€™t found it yet. Iā€™ve searched a lot but I canā€™t find it.

Simple answer. No such method exists.

Okay, please donā€™t be mad, Iā€™m sorry. Thank you so much for your help.

please help me

the website it does not working

Working perfectly.

What do I put in scheme and in host and in path
for examble my website is

And thank you for your response

Read some previous posts.

I read all of them, but my question is the only one that is clear and direct. The extension did not work with me, so I think I may have made a mistake.