Adding Circular Progress Right before Screen 2

Hello Koders,
First of All i have searched very well the community there are several discussion about progress bar on how to use it or how to add custome aix files, but i didn’t found where to exactly add the progress bar before screen 2, screen 2 contain 15 arrangements with images and text so normally take 20 seconds to load it show black sreen before here in the black screen i want to show a progress cirular so i think i have to add it in inicialize screen 2 but any body can explain better the idea ?

The black screen in the screen starting is shown when your screen is initializing ( loading components,and executing initailized event’s blocks) the time it takes is different between different mobiles, and different app.But what always increase this time is large code on screen initialization. This screen cannot be replaced currently ( but maybe you can replace it in the feature with a logo as the splash screen property for opening app ), but you can reduce as well it by :
1- adding a less blocks as possible in the Screen Initialization block.
2- add those block with a timer, so it doesn’t start until the screen is initialized successfuly.

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this version is made for tab but you can see the time waiting in black screen please check

i can provide aia file if you want Amaleen_Digital_Menu_New.apk (9.2 MB)

i am trying this >>> add those block with a timer, so it doesn’t start until the screen is initialized successfuly. but not working

So reduce your blocks.Don’t get things from databases, don’t make for each itm in list or for each number loops,etc…

my blocks cannot be reduced , i am trying to make another version now using and extension from deephost that loads images from internet and cache it in the app but this gonna take longer so i want to try to add the timer for this at the moment

You can use a better extension here:

And btw, you can only get data from databases at the timer you have, because those really increase the loading time :wink:

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Great extension thanks ! i will try to use it too in the next version but as i did the first one and it is in use in the cafe so i have to find a temporary solution

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