AES encryption free extension

I made a library that can do exactly what you want. The library can decrypt and encrypt text, using the same algorithm! (also works with taifuns’s extension).
Best regards!


Demo apk link not working, please update link

extension link is not working

Yes extension link is dead! Please update.
Here is the new links:

I’m looking for a way to encrypt string in the app and decrypt it on python (server side).
I try to decrypt the encoded text from this extension with this online tool but not working, got error

Length of secret key should be 16 for 128 key size.

How to decrypt that?

Tired, i’m going to try to encrypt it AES by Javascript instead…

there is a php library by Stefan, which is able to decrypt data server side… at least this is working together with my AES extension


A post was split to a new topic: How to decrypt encrypted data generated by the Crypthography component on a webpage?

Greetings! Do you have this in JS Node ? Or can some one help convert this PHP to JS Node code?

check this out

Thanks, already done with JS but the project is in stand-by so i will definitively check it out later.

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Extension’s URL is not working

You should use the built-in Cryptography component for AES now. :slight_smile:

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i need to this encrypted data to decrypt in php its possible?

but its paid

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Please update the link to download the extension :upside_down_face:

Read the posts and you’ll see why it’s not there.

Use to decrypt in php

br_forphp_extension_php.txt (2.4 KB)

Use to decrypt in php
br_forphp_extension_php.txt (2.4 KB)

The extension from my colleague above works perfectly with the php I sent, it’s easy to use it with php, everything is perfect!
br_forphp_extension_php.txt (2.4 KB)

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