After Installation APK always Crashes

Hi, new in here, at first exepriences.
I built a small APP which works fine on companion but when installed on my Realme8 crashes at launch!!
I’ll attach the APK, could you help me ? (not able to usa LOGCAT yet ;-)).
Many thx
FIMD1 (6).apk (6.0 MB)
PS: it is not completed yet).

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This is your logcat, you can see unbound location null that means something is left empty in designer view. Check that long list in Avoid Crashes of the Application for some of the components and make sure that About Screen Title is not empty

09-22 17:28:06.528  1898  2921 E ActivityTrigger: activityStartTrigger: not whiteListedio.kodular.meaxde.FIMD1/io.kodular.meaxde.FIMD1.Screen1/1
09-22 17:28:06.529  1898  2921 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not whiteListedio.kodular.meaxde.FIMD1/io.kodular.meaxde.FIMD1.Screen1/1
09-22 17:28:06.534  1898  3944 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not whiteListedio.kodular.meaxde.FIMD1/io.kodular.meaxde.FIMD1.Screen1/1
09-22 17:28:06.661  6046  6046 E ar.meaxde.FIMD: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime: Process: io.kodular.meaxde.FIMD1, PID: 6046
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{io.kodular.meaxde.FIMD1/io.kodular.meaxde.FIMD1.Screen1}: /tmp/1632316578815_0.24009697561529253-0/youngandroidproject/../src/io/kodular/meaxde/FIMD1/Screen1.yail:12:55: unbound location null
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at$H.handleMessage(
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at android.os.Looper.loop(
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at$
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: /tmp/1632316578815_0.24009697561529253-0/youngandroidproject/../src/io/kodular/meaxde/FIMD1/Screen1.yail:12:55: unbound location null
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at gnu.mapping.Location.get(
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at io.kodular.meaxde.FIMD1.Screen1.lambda6(Screen1.yail:12)
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at io.kodular.meaxde.FIMD1.Screen1$frame.apply0(Screen1.yail:8)
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at gnu.expr.ModuleMethod.apply0(
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at kawa.lang.Promise.force(
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at kawa.lang.Promise.force(
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at kawa.lib.misc.force(misc.scm:98)
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at io.kodular.meaxde.FIMD1.Screen1.$define(Screen1.yail:10309)
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-22 17:28:07.303  6046  6046 E AndroidRuntime:        ... 11 more

Thx Dora, … a lot!

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I see, lot of “mistakes” ;-). I’ll try to fix them … and learn!! Thx to both of u.

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I’m also getting same issue. Please refer this thread

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Actually the mistake is not from you but Kodular it self after the latest update…

This topic will only help you to get your app up and running until Kodular fix this error


SOLVED !!! It was easy in my simple APK: all properties which required a text (like About Screen, About Screen Title, etc…) I added a spacebar “space”. Compiled and downloaded new APK , installed and … works fine. THX to all. Hope they will fix it in next update.