AIA Marketplace - a unique store to download freemium aia

Can you show me code?

Nice :+1: , Keep :kodular:oding

where can you download this app?

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Can you tell me how you did drop down menu like that?

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seems like you didn’t read my post above.
well link is already in description above.

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Yes Please,
I’ve used this block here using FloatingActionView extension

I simply used Vertical Arrangement and renamed it to NAV. and then used a lot of components inside nav component to design it, like cardview, label, image and many more vertical & horizontal components.

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which database did you use?

Seen a nice UI after long time.
Good job keep it up.

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Thanks! Glad you liked. more are coming by, very soon

The UI is really really great! Brilliant work @devcafeofficial

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I have Find It here You can add this

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Thanks a lot, I downloaded this extension long time ago. so didn’t remember the link
Update link

New update your app doesn’t switch screen,
It’s stuck at the Splash screen

I got no issue with new update.
relaunch app or better clear data before reopen

No doubt that the UI is one of the best :fire::fire:

Can i know that where do you make these screenshots, they looks amazing :grin:

PS. On first launch it worked well, but when I opened second time it stuck on splash screen.

Really awesome. It attracts very much… keep rocking kodular… Nice app with multiple extension. No lagg, very smooth and calm. Very good


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Thanks a lot. :slightly_smiling_face:

the first 2 images (in desc above), I got from other website :stuck_out_tongue:. but rest of the things I make my own.
for most of my work like for logo, ic-launcher image, icons & screenshots, I use Adobe XD

I also noticed this.
and it only does that when u relaunch this app straight away after you close it.
otherwise works fine for me very well.

Thanks for checking by this app. :+1:

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Thanks for your nice comments. :slightly_smiling_face:

My first priority is always no lag, then design UI/UX and then functionality comes after. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Nice UI. First time seeing professional app made on Kodular.

You also just joined the community on May 27th :face_with_raised_eyebrow: barely 2 weeks ago.