after get all rows > resnonsContent
to make Separate list?
is it posible
i think got response is not a list, its look a like json format, you may need to try parse json after get content
Yes get response doesn’t give a list.
But All Content in ResponsContent
But when I request for multiple Column.
It takes longer.
So I wanted to choose this path
because i have used index 1, and if i use index 0 then i will get for name Imran
how to make list from above table as
tariq,wew,2 … like this in easiest and fast way using json, when we get all rows.
you have to parse json for that.
i want to get the list this above students, how can i get that using json
It will return a list
how can i convert this firebase value to
((aaaa 1111)(bbbbb 2222)(cccc 3333)(ddddd 4444))
how to this from above value is there any simple way
I tried to replace text but in result it got as above result but when this result set as list this doesnt work…
from this “[[“aaaa”,“1111”],[“bbbb”,“22222”],[“ccccc”,“3333”],[“dddd”,“44444”]]”
i want below result
(aaaa 1111)
(bbbb 2222)
(cccc 3333)
(dddd 4444)
like list in list and to use this inner list…