Alternate 400 and 200 error code wile using mysql select statement

When i use the mysql database using taifun, it alternatively gives 400(error) and 200(success) error while using Select statement…
I tried 2 different hosting services…
I think it should always return 200 code for select statement
plz help

what about displaying the response content in a label to find out what is going on?

My data:
DB Type : MyISAM Collation : latin1_swedish_ci
1st label has response code
2nd label has response content

one of those services might offer only webpage hosting, but not web requests
to be able read the html code of the response, use a webviewer to display it in a readable format
also your video does not correspond to your screenshot… it looks like you are sending 2 different requests to 2 different servers at the same time


Thanks for the help,
I am currently using byet host for free hosting and I am using the script you provided.
I was sending requests to HyperPhp hosting before and then i shifted to byethost.
Currently I am sending to single server and this issue persists, .
If you need I can provide My DB credentials so that you can check…
Thank you

Read their t&c to find out, if they offer web requests
Also make sure to follow the setup steps…


  • Put the PHP code on your web server
  • Set the SQLKEY in your app and in the PHP code, they must match for this code to work
    Note: Don’t use special characters, see also here.
  • Setup your database connection information in the php script
  • Try out the code


Thank you so much…
I tried almost all free hosting services, none worked…
at last 000webhost worked as usual

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