App compiling error - Firebase config file error

What is the name of your app?pubgtournament

hello guys
m trying to export my app but i cant

while compiling is shows error

Kodular is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was
________Preparing application icon
________Creating animation xml
________Creating fragment xml
________Creating listview xml in res/layout/…
________Creating listview xml in res/layout-v21/…
________Creating xml in res/drawable/…
________Creating splash png in res/drawable/…
________Creating colors xml
________Creating styles xml
________Creating drawables xml v21
________Checking for firebase
________________Firebase components found.
________________Firebase config file error.

Please help

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@SANGEERTH Just change ur package name with that you have added in firebase

You pointed out only one of three common issues

I am sorry if it is offensive or wrong

Not at all, but if you want to help him try to add as many possible solutions

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@SANGEERTH GO to your Firebase console => Create a new project => enter the same package name as you wrote in Kodular => Download Google Services.json file => Try to compile again

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do u fixed the problem? i’m getting same error.

Possible reasons…

  1. May not upload file to the asset
  2. May uploaded the same but with other than above mentioned name
  3. May add empty firebase blocks
  4. Firebase URL may not be included
  5. Package name mismatch


  1. Delete the existing/uploaded and Upload the fresh
  2. Do not change the name.
  3. Verify in you blocks section that all the firebase components have filled.
  4. Add firebase url into your JSON file using textpad between project number and project ID like below,
    "firebase_url": "https://(your fireDB URL)"
  5. Correct the package name


I searched everywhere and find always the same solutions. I don’t think I am blind lol but I can’t get it work

Package name on both sides the same
I followed all the steps.

Still I am unable to build :frowning:

________________Firebase config file error.

Possible reasons…

  1. May not upload file to the asset
  2. May uploaded the same but with other than above mentioned name
  3. May add empty firebase blocks


  1. Delete the existing/uploaded
  2. Upload the fresh
  3. Should not change the name.
  4. Verify in you blocks section that all the firebase components have filled.

All followed - not working :frowning:

Can you show your Json file?

I cant it says I cannot post more than 2 links - the Json file is fine - I guess

This error will cause because of JSON file only.if not send me in pm

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I am new, will try to figure out how to send PM
Thank you very much