App crashes after builder update

hello, why do my app crashes when opening after the builder update?

That’s very little information. Do you use an extension which now is an component? Does your app crash in the companion or when build? Can you show your aia?

hello @Peter , i have two extensions, @Taifun’s notifications and @Andres_Cotes’s sidebar, my app crashes after compiling it and tryin to open in my phone, before builder update i compiled the app and was working in my phone, now after builder update the app crashes… i didnt add nothing new to the project…

@Taifun’s notifications extension had some problems in :thunkable:
Try to remove it

i removed and stills app crashes when opens

Maybe after you remove export the aia and import it again. Then build.

ok let me try

Hello i tried what you said, but app crashes…
my app have the google map component, i deleted it and app works.
but app was working before with google maps component.

Is adding the google maps component again works?

i deleted google map component and app works, i added again component and app crashes

Then this is something for the developers it seems. Can you post an aia file of the app?

yes, maybe its the same issue with companion app for androids 4

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Does installing the app on your device also make it crash or is it just the companion?

both, the companion app i cant open it because it crashes, and my app crashes if i add google maps component.

I’ve found the error with Google Maps, I’m fixing it right now and will be fixed in next update.


Is it done @conor?

Yes, the fix will be available in the next update.