App is getting crash used all possible tags combination to solve this problem

I had a problem that whenever I open the content screen it opens and collects data from Airtable and get close the screen (Content Screen) but when I try this again it works properly I don’t know how to solve this problem. I had tried many tags combination to remove this problem but it does not work please help me with this.

I have given several tag images, a video of app bugs in my app, and a demo app please tell me the solution to this.

Screen Shots:-

Demo App Link:- Compare (1).apk - Google Drive

App Video Link:- Screenrecording_20210316_140357.mp4 - Google Drive

The screen get crashed at 1.04 position in the video

I had placed Notifier in Content screen to get from between which tags the problem comes from but I did not find the problem can you please solve it for me

Thanks for reading this message and give a contribution to my app problem