Hi, Something in my code keeps my app crashing. It happens when I press [space] here are the blocks:
I cant seem to find the error.
Hi, Something in my code keeps my app crashing. It happens when I press [space] here are the blocks:
compare text get char = [space]
is the trigger that freezes / crashes it.
This can help you !
None of the components I use is mentoint there, also I have had this before that it created an endeless loop for example. Yes your app crashes on that point…
What are you trying to achieve with this procedure ?
At first try to disable your all blocks. And test the app.
If your app crashes. its mean problem in components
I am creating a simple but fun ide/prgrm language. In this function I wanna check if the line of code is correct. But I need to “overwrite” the vars because they are not set. For example: set [var1] to [var2]
I need to replace the vars with then the output is set [] to []
this is always the same so I can compare with a list of valid lines. understand>
Is your block working in live testing ?
I did if I type now it doesnt crash. Its when I press space while the blocks are active
No, The companion crashes too
You could use regex expression for example
So does this work if the variable is [joe]? Because they can be whatever the user wants to
also do you have an link to the extension?
I have found it out myself. TYSM for letting me see this extension. This helps sooo much!!!
It just worked but now not anymore while changing nothing
I found my way to let it work without crashing. Anyway thanks all for trying to help me
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