App publishing problem

You need Java JDK 8.

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why not 8 and above ?

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I guess I have it installed.

You will be right that in this case the current JDK will also work. I always use JDK 8 because this version is absolutely necessary for some things.

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now you need to add it to path @Sinan_erman

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I followed the instructions on the page exactly. What’s next, broo? :slight_smile:


Btw, it’s the same way as I’ve shown in my → guide (video tutorial).

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I understand :). Why does it start with c: for me? I can’t delete. I’m starting to look stupid… :frowning:

Apparently you don’t have a D: drive. That does not matter.

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This is how I put my content. What’s wrong?
It’s like I got very close to it. :))

Hello! Good morning from turkey. This is how I do it, but I still can’t get the result.

java -jar dist\pepk.jar sign-aab --bundle=C:\Users\Win7\signer\tarihsel_olaylar.aab --output=C:\Users\Win7\signer\tarihsel_olaylar_Signed.aab --storeFile=C:\Users\Win7\signer\android.keystore --storePassword=android --keyAlias=androidkey --keyPassword=android

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