App Showing App Keeps Stopping when testing it after downloading the apk file

Mine also.

Have you tried that i said here​:point_down:

@Jinx Second screen was not opening for me !!! Did it opened for you ?

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Wait i send recording

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I did what you said but it is still not working

@Anu10 @Anwita_Divya @iamwsumit See this Video

But there are some things on Screen2 and it is not blank

That video is from android 7

I don’t know what happened to my English today i am sorry

Ok This means error is still there

Just checked the logs of the apk. Looks like the error is not in Screen1. As I can see in the logs, Screen2 is opened

In this image you can also see that a Card View log is present it means card view is created on screen2.

But the problem is here

     java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{io.kodular.anwitamed.Sketchy/io.kodular.anwitamed.Sketchy.Screen2}: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void' on a null object reference
06-27 18:25:53.997 12785 12785 E AndroidRuntime:        at
06-27 18:25:53.997 12785 12785 E AndroidRuntime:        at
06-27 18:25:53.997 12785 12785 E AndroidRuntime:        at
06-27 18:25:53.997 12785 12785 E AndroidRuntime:        at
06-27 18:25:53.997 12785 12785 E AndroidRuntime:        at
06-27 18:25:53.997 12785 12785 E AndroidRuntime:        at$H.handleMessage(
06-27 18:25:53.997 12785 12785 E AndroidRuntime:        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
06-27 18:25:53.997 12785 12785 E AndroidRuntime:        at android.os.Looper.loop(
06-27 18:25:53.997 12785 12785 E AndroidRuntime:        at
06-27 18:25:53.997 12785 12785 E AndroidRuntime:        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
06-27 18:25:53.997 12785 12785 E AndroidRuntime:        at$
06-27 18:25:53.997 12785 12785 E AndroidRuntime:        at
06-27 18:25:53.997 12785 12785 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void' on a null object reference
06-27 18:25:53.997 12785 12785 E AndroidRuntime:        at com.varsha.CustomDialog.CustomDialog.DialogCancelable(Unknown Source:6)

Looks like you have done something wrong in Screen2 with a dialog extension by @varsha .
May you post your screen2 blocks ?

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@Anwita_Divya Post the aia or a test aia (that reproduces this issue).

how did you that ? :grin:

A guide is published on MIT community by @Taifun


… and / or here:


@Anwita_Divya As said by @iamwsumit there must be problem on screen 2 that’s why the app is closing as you can see my video [Post 26] the screen 1 works perfectly but as i was on emulator so that app didn’t closed and result nothing was loaded on screen 2 and also thanks @iamwsumit and @bodymindpower to provide two different or similar guides this helped me a lot as i am still a learner and want to learn more and more about softwares

How much time you set in designer page for clock? Set it as 2000 and try

Yes, it was due to that extensionn. I removed that extension and now it is working fine. Thank You for the help! :blush:

I also said this nice job @iamwsumit :point_right: :point_right: Post by Aditya :point_left: :point_left:

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