App uninstall by itself vs developer policy

lets say i made an app and when the user open it first time app uninstall by itself. is it against developer policy etc?

But Why You Want It ?

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Yes… Definitely

How to achieve that (self uninstall) ?

Using activity starter maybe

This is coming in my extension.

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I have seen tutorial to uninstall other apps, can i implement that for same app ?can a app self uninstall ?

Are you making free one or paid one ?

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Does it depend on my status ? If so, if you are willing to fix price based on my answer then my answer is I don’t have money. If you taking decision on your own then my answer is I have money.

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Instead of skewed answers, it’d be better for everyone if you were to directly answer his/her question. Would you be charging money for your extension?


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The mere fact that you haven’t charged anything yet doesn’t mean that you won’t charge anything in the future. Human actions are not defined by mathematical induction.


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