Are there any async image loader extensions that work with dynamic images?

I need to load a couple hundred images asynchronously to dynamic image components. I already tried:

  • The default Kodular image utilities component - it requires a permission that doesn’t exist in newer Android versions
  • DevYBImageLoader - it makes my app crash immediately after opening it
  • The_K_Studio’s Async Image Loader - it causes my card views to stretch to about 2 times their normal height for some reason
  • BADCODE’s Image Utilities - doesn’t accept dynamic images

Any other extensions I can try?


Without showing your blocks or what you are doing no one will be able to help you. You need to adjust the image size if it is increasing the size.

For some reason the images are not loading at all with Picasso. What am I doing wrong?

Check path.

The path works when I put it in the Dynamic_Image.Create Image block directly

I didn’t ask for that.
Show do it result.

(It is not like no one has used the extension till date)

The path ends up as something like “”, I already checked that before. Is that what you mean?

Still, I would like to see the url/path.

What do you mean? I just sent it to you
Edit: here, I made it return one of the image paths in a notifier. Like I’ve said, the url is correct.

Babuaaa… you need to put img url in path not empty text box in Create Image block!

Surprisingly, images are loaded on my device.

Try changing dimensions to fixed.

Also, make sure aix is latest.
com.sunny.Picasso.aix (345.1 KB)

It’s working for me very well