Are we fixing Build issue?

Build Server is offline from last 11 days.Dear Admin Please do something as soon as possible.We lost our customer for this reason.kodular team should be extended validity date of premium membership.

I’ve been having the same problem for a few days now :frowning:

what happened? It’s been 11 days since “Build System” has been offline, what is the function of a web creator without being able to export apk, please help to resolve this problem

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What is the name of your app?

Porque no quiere compilar el apk, llevo esperando todo el dia y sigue diciendo que intente mas tarde

Describe your app:


App Store/Download link:

AIA file (Optional)

Please solve the problem as soon as possible, Kodular master :smiling_face_with_tear:

Please solve the problem because I have not been able to complete my work for days. With many thanks and appreciation.

please fix this problem immediately

Hola, hay alguna novedad sobre el problemas de build server?

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any news? pleaseeee!

I also have problems when exporting the application. I ask that the server be repaired immediately, I really need this application for my final assignment on campus

Oh man, its nearly 13 days, @pavi2410 you gotta fix this like ASAP, our research project is nearing it’s deadline :sob: :skull: :skull: :skull:

RIP myself in advance if I fail my research :joy: :pensive:

This isn’t working, see you at Niotro_n.

Doesn’t look like I picked the best month to try Kodular out. I dropped a few controls on to my project, but then couldn’t build an apk to test it.

the site is always busy when build the application at the last always say that the server is busy now try again !!!

I’m just wondering, how can they not be ashamed. I understand that they don’t care about the platform at all, but their professional image becomes cr*p

how long we’ll be waiting?

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sorry to disturb your time. I want to ask about the system building services, when will it return to normal operation? I think it’s been around 3 to 4 days since the system building services was down

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