Asking for help with ASD storage deleting issue

Once again, there are a whole series of serious bugs here:

  1. Videos cannot be played with the VideoPlayer component from the ASD with any possible path.
  2. The VideoPlayer component requests READ permissions even on Android 11+.
  3. The VideoPlayer component requests READ_MEDIA_AUDIO and not READ_MEDIA_VIDEO permission on Android 13+.

I really wonder what people are still doing here. Bugs everywhere you look

Thanks again for checking on this. I actually thought it was me that just was not getting-literally spending about a month on and off trying to make this work before reaching out to the community.

Perhaps they do it just like me: I am reading here How to do something, but it won’t work, and then I go to Nio…n and do it like that, and it will work. :smiley:

Would i be able to download the aia you used or the location of the simple download1 extension? I could not find it with kodular list of extensions or a basic google search. I did attempt these blocks with 2 different download extensions but cannot produce the same results as your apk upload. Thank you.

also tried the “join” after video player source. Downloads file but not as mp4 and of course does not play as mp4

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