Assets image list

You are trying to tell me to put the pictures inside the aia assets file
ok i got it , thank you :blush:

As you wrote yourself:

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I think that
is filetool is an extension ?

Thank you, and that’s exactly what I was asking about

But the question is whether filetool is an extension ??


Please do some research on your own.


Yes, and review your own topic as well


i cant us flipper with dynamic card view :roll_eyes:

You asked:

And i gave you another way.


don’t tell anyone , I found it :grinning:

Marked appropriate post as solution :+1:


Thank you very much for your attention
How happy I am of you support
finally don’t forget (stay home :mask:)

Is that really the solution of your problem that in the end you found the extension that we talked about all the time?

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i am working on it


:sparkling_heart: :rose:

do you try to tell me some thing, or just question :face_with_raised_eyebrow:??

Thanks for the great effort

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blocks (6)

Thank you all , and this is the result

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