[Free] Async Procedures | Extension

Here’s your answer.


Thanks man.

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I am getting this error
Why is this?

Can I know where is the source code?

Try searching on Github, Maybe you will get it there.

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The source code is somewhere on DropBox, I don’t remember the link but I have the java file which was uploaded there.
Funcall.java (8.8 KB)


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A post was split to a new topic: Stop delay Procedure

Is the only way to manipulate components like chaning a text trough executing functions in call finish blocks with the help of collected variables in return values?

Calling synchronous procedure in executing asynchronous procedure won’t take effect in some well prepared configuration?

I don’t understand… you might want to elaborate…

you can call synchronous procedures


I found one possible way to manipulate UI with non UI thread. Make calculations on non-UI thread, fetch values to temporary variable, send them to .CallFinishedWithResult via result and make the UI operations in .CALLFInishedWithResult block. No errors and it works. But user must wait for every value until async procedure is finished. I work on 10000+ blocks, and want to make blocks simple and easy to read and understand.

I want to know if is there any easier way to manipulate UI in ASYNC procedure without using global variables.

It looks like kodular engine remembers last used thread which was working on a component. That’s why calling async procedure twice doesn’t give the error at the second time and so on. If component is used by user (text input) or any other kodular activity except async procedure the cycle renew.


I am also facing this error :joy:

The download link appears to be broken. All I get is a blank screen.

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it looks like you have overseen post #61


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Thanks Taifun! I totally missed that post.

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@Abhijith_Dominic doesn’t this work with dynamic component extension?

You don’t need this because Dynamic Components already has it.

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I’ve tested the async of dynamic comp, it doesn’t show any better result, still the ui freeze while the procedure runs.

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And you think this extension will help, how? This extension is supposed to help with NOT changing the UI, although there is a post that shows you can modify the UI on a Non-UI thread, it is unsafe.