Auto Refresh after changing setting in other screen

Hello. I have made an app which consists of 2 screens.
The 1st screen contains a map with default style.
The 2nd screen contains settings for this map so the user can make changes.
I was wondering if its possible to have these changes take place automatically when I back to Screen 1.
Right now for the changes to take place ( ex. change the style of the map ) it requires to restart (manually) the application.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!

Use the blocks you want to refresh the screen inside the following event ( when other screen closed…)And don’t forget to check if the screen name equals the settings screen
This block:
component_event (9)
Then use this block to change the style :
component_set_get (9)

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You can store the changes into Tynidb and when screen 1 inicializate read tynidb and do the changes into the map


I have done this exactly , but for the changes to take effect , the user needs to exit the app and re open it.

When return to screen 1 read tynidb and show you map again. Can show notifier saying Loading Configuration, Please wait…

Try close screen 1 when go to screen 2 and when back to screen 1 this will be reloaded


Will be trying this tomorrow!

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