Bad arguments to <=. (Information not being stored in airtable)

I have created a pubg tournament application.
In the final step of joining tournament, we ask the username of the player which is supposed to be stored in airtable.But when user clicks on join button this error shows up.

Please help this is my first ever application which i have made. I myself debugged all the errors but this one got me over it!

Don’t use all capitals. That is like shouting and we don’t shout here. What have you done yourself. You have a reading time of 5 minutes. Did you search the community. What you are asking is asked before. I unlist this for the moment until you give more info.

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I am really sorry to use capitals, i didn’t mean that.
And yes my reading time is of 5 minutes because i didnt signed up before. I read many articles and thier reply.But then also i was unable to solve my problem.
Please dont unlist my article and help me please.

You may also get some information by this block

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I read all articles but could not fix my error because i think my blocks are bieng set up correctly.

use Do it to debug your blocks
see also tip 4 here App Inventor: How to Learn | Pura Vida Apps
