Banner Ads Not Showing On 18:9 Devices

banner ads not showing on 18:9(1080p) devices but working on 720p devices ? I Tried Many Thing But Didn’t Works Please Help

do you have any 18:9 screen device?

Hey set screen size to responsive ok

i have redmi note 5 pro and same problem bro

I thought you have used the banner ad within an horizontal or vertical arrangement and set the height of it fixed to some pixel or percentage. If you want your ads to appear all across devices set the width to 100% but leave the height as automatic. Just make sure admob height and containing horizontal / vertical arrangement are set to automatic height and see the magic. That is my experience and my way to solve this issue. But if anyone knew better method please let me know! have a good day and Good Luck!

Yeah I’m also facing problem with note 5 pro :joy: I think problem is in note 5 pro maybe

Do you have a small aia that reproduces this.


you should set screen size to responsive and also fix it to portrait mode

I also have Redmi Note 5 Pro and the admob ads are not working. They are working in all the other devices I have. Is this a problem with phone or is it related to screen size?

This problem still exists. Any solution ?

Do you have an apk that we can try


I used the component as it is. I didn’t put it inside a layout. Does it have anything to do with that ? Do I have to put the banner within a horizontal layout ?

On my device it works

Samsung Note 8


Did you check the apk I sent you ?
