Calculating Peak Audience on a Radio App


This problem is not solved yet Sir

shouting! oooh! I am very sorry that is not my intention I thought it is grammatically typing rules.

but not I am under this level.

This block is used asuming you already have named your columns in airtable. this not what I am looking for.

that is why i mentioned “while it is being solved”

I dont understand why the two questions were merged even they are quite different. My request concerns how to define the columns names in airtable from the app and not manually from airtable as we do presently. I want to know if is there any way how to do it.

The topics are merged due to this post.
This post is too similar to this topic.

Your question is already answered by @app_techgeeknerd
So instead of duplicating topics it is better to merge them.
If your porblem is still not solved then create a new topic.