Call OTP Verification (COV)

After a long time I’ve bring up a guide of Call OTP Verification (COV)

Website Used

Video -



1) 2 Textbox
2) 1 Button
3) 1 Webview


They are quite big :wink: :wink:

Js Evaluated-

1) document.getElementsByClassName(‘form-control cs-input col-sm-12’)[2].value="{phone_number_with_countrycode}";

2) document.getElementsByClassName(‘form-control cs-input col-sm-12’)[3].value="{OTP_of_4_digit}";

3) document.getElementsByClassName(‘btn white-btn btn-sm m-1’)[1].click();

Test App - Call_OTP_Verification.apk
Aia - Call_OTP_Verification.aia

  • Amazing :wink: :wink:
  • Good :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

0 voters

:mask: Stay Safe , Stay Healthy , Wear Your Own Mask :mask:


Nice Guide and Good Idea.

I also thought to use it my app instead of firebase

But I Have Doubt
Is This is Safe to Use In App ?
Does it will follow play Store Policy ?
Beacuse its Using Third Party Service and Google Play Store will Not approve apps ?

Beacuse I have read article somewhere that its not acceptable and so i left that .

the website isn’t opening for me.
edit: wow, a lot cheaper than firebase otp

Yes, I agree with that but it can be good for personal use, at last we can use it’s paid service for approval.

It’s working for me

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Nice idea… :heart:

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I used it with a Korean telephone number and it doesn;t work

Hello Friend can you help me please

how can i?