Can 2 get start value in 1 screen?

I just want to know who are the apk users who input or update data. Of course after they login (screen1)

I feel it is harder to understand your query based on your wording and the sample sheet.

If user registered the app with his email, you can store such data into gsheet using google form script or usual script code.

Once they registered, as a admin you can see all the users

But in the sample sheet i find same user present multiple times eg. [email protected]ā€¦ 2@gmail com

Google script. would you see my script?

Once admin logged in save his email in tinydb

When screen ini, call asset code detailsā€¦ Put them in listviewā€¦ Upon selecting the required item call selected item row into the update fields (if changes made then in the highlighted fields by you in previois post)call email tag and update the record

After [email protected] logged, i want to call again to screen 2 or 3 in sidemenu ā€œHeader subtitleā€. May yo show to me step by step :pray:

use if then logic in screen1 initiā€¦ If the saved email in tiny db = [email protected] then ā€¦ elseā€¦

so hard to understand. is there a video reference on youtube? I hope you understand Iā€™m a beginner :face_with_hand_over_mouth::grinning::grinning: