Can anyone help me with error 908? (Permision READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE)

As I said “… we need to know all components and extensions that are used.”

But ColinTreeListView extension needs READ_EXTERNAL_STOARGE permission, I checked it. See also here: ColinTreeListView/ at master · OpenSourceAIX/ColinTreeListView · GitHub

And, as I said, remove the permission from the Manifest. I did that probably more than 1000 times with no issues at all.

My reason for this was / is that I want to read / write files from / in an app-specific directory, which according to Google does not require any permissions. The Kodular components (as well as many extensions) falsely enforce this query even with an app-specific directory. So I had to do that with extensions and ask the developers to remove the runtime query.

“Also starting in API level 19, this permission is not required to read/write files in your application-specific directories returned by Context.getExternalFilesDir(String) and Context.getExternalCacheDir().”

I have created a small overview of this topic:


Thank you. I will consider also the Manifesto change, although this is somewhat advanced for me. Greetings.