Can I add file and voice messaging sharing option in chatview?

Can I add file and voice messaging sharing option in chatview?

As I am making a chat app like that so can anyone tell how can I share file and voice message.

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Hi @Power_Dev, welcome to the community,
I think this may help :slightly_smiling_face::

Also please change the category to #discuss


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was that a joke which i don’t understood


Sorry! I think I have made a wrong reply.

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Please help me now only

You might want to delete your last 2 posts as they are spam posts.

Show what have you done. You won’t get ready made solution’s :slightly_smiling_face:


Take a look at this tutorial : How to build a chat app like WhatsApp in Android, iOS & Web? This tutorial has explained about how to create chat app like WhatsApp.