I’m creating a Rewards App, where the user earn virtual currency for do some actions, like download free apps or watch videos, right now the app works on this way:
When the user open the app, we detect if this is open on a phone or an emulator, if the device it’s an emulator, we show a warning about that, if not, the script continue, next we check if the app have an active connection or not, if not a warning it’s displayed.
The second screen open a webView where the user can see a on boarding welcome and a start button to login using facebook, on the meanwhile a timer on the back keeps waiting for a response from the webView using a string.
If the user have email can continue, if not is redirected to a third screen where he can end the registration, this because some user sign on facebook only using a phone number.
after the registration, they reach the main screen where all the offers are displayed; the main offers come from an API and every item it’s created on the fly, other offers are displayed on a webView.
All the principal data like: amounts, referrals or offers transactions are stored on a mySQL server (not Firebase) the only information stored locally it’s the email, name and main ID.
For security we don’t save any password to prevent information leak.
This I need to finish: settings page, rewards screen, referrals screen, earns history and help data.
I already have a referral system and API where the user earn the 50% from their referrals and the 25% from their referrals-referrals.
I need some feedback, I don’t expect that you guys press any offer, just want to know what you guys think or if I can improve something else: