Update: I’m in.
The problem was that i was using Windows Powershell and not Prompt Command.
I found just a small error for now. (buttono.wav instead of button.wav).
App is it not crashing so much as it used to do before, but still does.
The truth is that even logging in with *:E (that shows just the errors in prompt), it’s hard to see if those errors shown are important or not, there are quite a few showing everytime.
As soon as I get the logs i will post them here.
For now i’m just getting these quite often:
E memtrack: Couldn’t load memtrack module
E GBJv1Daemon: No values read
E Watchdog: !@Sync 17872 [2020-05-05 22:52:33.744]
E GBJv1Daemon: No values read