Create a login page using fire base only name

i want to create a login page for my friends group as i want to use only their name as it is already been stored in the fire base and in the login page if the entered name matches the data in the fire base and it needs to go to the next screen and need to be stored in the tiny db

Only name ? What will you do if more peoples are there with unique name?

i will share the apk only to my friends

If so use the logic

  1. Check the app is First run or not

First run mean - show Sign up arrangement
Else - show sign in page

  1. When user hits on submit after filling name text box and mobile number, use the save firebase block to save also save first run to false

i had done this much is it right

sorry i dont need sign up option as the details are alredy stored by me in firebse database

I don’t think how for your logic work… Because , if the user names are already stored in firebase mean then why are you here trying to save the value, if not in the list? No need, there you have to say alert message only. Sorry user doesn’t found, contact administrator, so who ever can use your app

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its a personal friends chat app

can you tell me what do i do now im cofused

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That get value too no need. If the condition Is in the list is true mean app will open another screen if not it will alert the user, simple. And for alert use notifier show alert block and don’t use name box error message

thanks i had done it

You are about to store all the user names in a tinydb it seems. So there you can use, only username text box text . Other things are good, will work fine.

Also in the first run , in tinydb(if value is not there mean you have to add only empty text box only will be good to you.)

and it runs fine when i tested it using companion

yeaaah i going to convert it into tiny web db

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