Create aix using java

you can create it using

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Ide is down currently.
@Krithik_Kumar should use Code Editor:

that automatically redirects to appybuilder ide

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I am still correct.Kodular IDE is down currently.
Since AppyBuilder is now property of Kodular so everything that belongs to Appy Builder is now of Kodular (including Code Editor).


I was using appy builder but when i tried to login today it says invalid username or password so i created a new account but when i try to login it says invalid user or password. So i need help. please


I think it going to be shut down.

I hope not, the code editor is a great tool, if you want build extension. It works.
The long way, with install Apache Ant, Git bash, phyton …I always failed to setup

If anyone has environment of creating aix in their pc please convert my java into aix

1.Python and Git Bash are not needed.
2.Learn how to setup environment here (Guide from @Shreyash ):


It is very lengthy process

It takes only 20 minutes :slightly_smiling_face:

i am using kodular right now in my linux laptop

I have also used various distros of linux like Linux Mint,Ubuntu,Xubuntu and Lubuntu.
But never found my time precious :thinking:

So i need someone who has environment of creating aix, who can help me

:india::sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :india:

Here in community we prefer to teach how to fish instead of giving fish.


means I did not understand

It does not take much time if you follow everything correctly.

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Please open this link
