Creating CRM app

I need some help in this application
I am using Airtable to store the data in columns: Name - Phone Number - Speciality - Class

I can grab all the data into lists using getallrows.

what i need is
how to filter the data of the customer that is only Class = A
or even the Speciality = Orth

and this data to be added in a new list to be viewed with any components

thanks in advance , but I really need this urgently

And still you need to be patient.

Start by showing your blocks.

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1: First for getting data from get all rows, you need to know how to parse Json,
2: use get columns and store data in lists,
3: when you get that (Class data list) use for each item in the list if get item=A then add to new list,
4: then after you need to arrange lists of users, by comparing get index

but for that all you need a hard work and good knowledge of Lists and components,

if you are willing to get that from any other user then he also need time to make this. can’t be Urgently.


Every Column is grabbed in a list Successfully

Please check my blocks because this doesn’t work …

thanks in advance

Στιγμιότυπο από 2020-01-07 17-08-56


Your Solution is @George_Loungos given Blocks, try as he showed you. will work for you,


really many thanks @George_Loungos your solution is perfect and now it works very fine

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In Airable you can create views. As many as you want. And we can get the data for each view.
It’s easier because everything is done from airtable and we don’t fill our app with unnecessary code.

Create a View:

Put a name:

Create a filter to show what you want:

In the app you can get data for that view:

It’s another way to do it that doesn’t require as much code…

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