Custom listview - recyclerview ui extension [Paid]

Just pass the data list, and it will load automatically, in the event onBindView just set the changes you want

Just two, and if you want a design I can do the example. Good idea , I will add it to next update.

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I am working with your extension, it is very good once you get how to make it work.
Thanks for it!

One question:
I’m trying to make nested lists, like this example (I made it with another library but is reeeally poor on the performance side):

To achieve it, I would need to create the second list during the OnBindView of each element of the first list. At the moment it seems to be impossible, since I cannot get the arrangement from the first list, to make it the parent root of the second.

Could you add a block that returns the arrangement object, given the widgetID and the rowPosition?

Or do you see a simpler way to achieve what I have in mind?

Thank you again for your extension!

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Great UI Btw. :heart_eyes:


By know is not a good idea doing that way, but thanks I will try a way to make it easy, next version I will add it

Thanks! :slight_smile:

I am interested to buy this extension. I just want to confirm that:
Does this extension able to extend items as required ? or only loads all given items once.

because I use 200+ list items in app. I want to load few items initially then add more items in list when user scrolls down (I am using Scroll Arrangment Handler extension).

I am currently using ColintreeListView, which is very basic and limited options.



Yes, you can, look ak the Notify… Blocks they are for that. You can start the listview with an empty list, and when you add data to your list, those blocks will refresh the list

Ok, Great !
my last question is:
Suppose user have scrolled down to bottom. then I update the list by adding items and refresh.
Then after refresh the position of the scroll will go again to top or it will just update the list items?
Because I have tried another Paid listView Extension. where I faced the problem after list update list postion goes to top again as new list which was irritating.

It will just update items, and if you want to go to any position you can use the ScrollToPosition block. But when you update your items it won’t go to the top, just will update.

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I’m loving it. I also recommend others to use this :blush:
Great and dynamic extension ! :+1: :+1:

How to use airtable in this extension ??

The magic of this extension is that you can edit the widgets with any data, for using airtable, I recommend to first create a empty list, which gonna contains the information from airtable, then set it to the recyclerview using the DisplayListView block , and when you get data from airtable (try putting it to the list you linked to the listview) refresh the recyclerview by calling NotifyDataSetChanged block , note that you have to follow a pattern in your list , as I did in the .aia example, the OnBindView block will do alll the work, check .aia example

one more question … I know to set : gradient direction , but how to set its colour / multi colour.

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In the post there are the supported color formats, you can use a single color (obviously it will not show a gradient), to use gradients you have to specify a list of colors as the background color, the list of colors can be of the colors given by kodular Or you can also create rgb colors with the block that kodular provides for that.
If you want them to display in a different direction, you have to set the direction of the gradient when creating the widget.

Note: If you edit the widget that contains a gradient using the OnBindView event, the gradient will be removed, therefore it is recommended to use gradients in widgets that will not suffer changes in background color, however, if you make other changes such as text, it will not will alter the gradient. I hope with that it has become clear that to apply a gradient, you have to do it at the moment of creation (When you use the Add … blocks) in the widget style.

  • You can use gradients with custom edges (color, thickness, radius).
  • There are not a specified order to apply the widget style’s properties.
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I really din’t get how to use Airtable ( get column ) in this extension. I try i make some change on Bind view , it work but i stuck on one new problem, it work find but it show only three list, altho it has 4 or more list.

  1. The list has three items and each item is a list of four items, so “list” still having three items.
  2. In edit blocks the “select item block” should first select a sublist.
  3. For doing that the “list” field in the edit blocks should be the sublist (general list’s child who is a sublist)for each position.
  • Example:
    Situation : I have a list with “n” mount items, and each item is a sublist of three items, 1 for username, 2 for userpic and 3 for age.
    For getting any data from each sublist, I should first get the sublist right? So the way to do it is using “select item list” block it will be called (a), it has two fields “list” and “index”. What I want to do is get the username, the pic and age, So in list field for (a), I need the sublist, because it is the real list that contains the data for each position, to do that, you should use another “select list item” called (b), and put it in the list field from (a) , the fields for (b) need to be the global list(the data) for the (b) list field, and position should be the position that OnBindView provides.
    So right now you are getting the sublist for each position, according to the OnBindView position, the last step is put the position of the subitem in (a) , for username use 1, for pic use 2 and for age use 3, and finally you’re getting data from each list’s sublist

And when you make changes to your global list, you must call notifyDataSetChanged, to update the listview

its tuft to understand in Text, just tell me can i use Airtable in column list

i try in this way also just tell me where is the msitake