Custom Webview - Third party URL - open in external browser

Is it working for you?

Sorry, I haven’t checked it yet

WhatsApp is opening but not with specified number.
I haven’t checked with your apk but with a different site.

Can you post an example url for whatsapp share?

Hello Sunny
following is sample URL

Basically all product URL from this website have this whatsapp button

One more URL with same logic

Hello Sunny

Any updates? I guess while redirecting the URL is getting changed and we are loosing the mobile number

No, the way extension is sending uri is not getting parsed correctly by whatsapp.
That needs to be changed.

And most importantly, don’t forget to the mention the user (like @vknow360 ) while addressing to a particular user.


Point noted, thanks,
By the way did you get chance to check why my app was crashing?

I never reached at that point.

Hello, @vknow360
any updates?

Hello @vknow360

Any updates?

Unfortunately, I could not implement that.

Ohhh, no problem… thanks for updates…
much appreciated help…

Just one last question, do you see anything wrong in my above blocks, because its leading to crash the app - it is using latest beta version which you shared

or should i fall back to regular version?

Kindly post a video recording of crash.(when it is happening)

Only thing I can think is that after returning from whatsapp that webview needs to be removed from view system.


I tried to use an earlier version CustomWebView/com.sunny.CustomWebView.aix at master · vknow360/CustomWebView · GitHub

but after import, I see it shows v8.0

can you please check - i guess it should be v10.1

I shall check.

P.S. @surun fixed
You can always get correct version aix files from here: