CustomWebView : An extended form of Web Viewer

You are such an amazing person that you gave us such an awesome extension for free to use and also consistently updating it when needed. Your work solved all of my problems related to web viewers. That’s why I am writing this just to say thank you. Love from Bangladesh.

And if anyone else wants to download it:


Now I need some help. How to download files with correct names automatically via this webview?


That will work.
But you can leave file name and dir empty for default values.


How to use block ads compoent ?

See here:

And kindly search in the community before posting a reply. :nerd_face:

Thank You For Guide

Please Help @vknow360

My Block

You can do few things:

  1. Update extension
  2. Reload page
  3. Recreate that particular event blocks

Thank you. problem solved

I found another problem
maybe Page Loaded Not working Properly @vknow360

Try unwrapping the if condition.

how to perform a block for a new window request getting the requested URL…
This block only returning boolean result and the id, but how can i load a new window with the URL?

I already allow this supportmultiwindow

Thanks in advance for the help

found the requested URL

hey hi @vknow360 , I had a small doubt that how can I fill text in this

through custom webview , is it possible ?

how to download this extention?

Make sure to search in the community to get correct and working solution.

That’s called JS Prompt Dialog.

Did you completely skip the first post?

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I have two problems please help

  1. User Agent
  2. OnPermissionRequest Block not work

it shows alert but wont countine runing js after “dissmiss” or “countinejs”
please help
and i cant install newer version

You will have to remove previous version then import the new one.

You could store blocks in the backpack.