CustomWebView : An extended form of Web Viewer

Good night class, how are you?

I’m having difficulties in a creation, I need to use Webview and inside the site I have two situations:

I have a Vimeo video and I need to use the full screen option, and I have PDF files that I need to download to my cell phone.

Using CustomWebView I was able to get the player to work in full screen, but I couldn’t download the PDF file.

Using the default WebViewe, I couldn’t get the player or the PDF to download.

Does anyone have an idea what I can do?

blocks (1)

help me, I made a web application with kodular using a custom webviewer in kodular, when I tried it on companion all the buttons on the web worked, but after being exported the buttons on the web couldn’t be clicked

Can I install any chrome web store extension in extended web viewer extension

Are you getting any error?
I’ll suggest to use Download component as upcoming version of DownloadHelper will be (completely) different.

Can you show an example video of issue?

Obviously no.

Hi, I am new to coding and I really have no clue how to use this extension. What I’d like to do is just to make a basic browser where when I press the button it takes me to the website I put in, but in desktop mode. However, when I press the button it crashes the companion. I am on MIT app inventor but the blocks on there and kodular are nearly the same. I figure we have to build our own website using blocks. As I said earlier I don’t have too much experience in coding so if you could help me with that I’d appreciate it very much. Thank you.

Maybe this will help you:

File upload and download not working on my app.

I also want that when a user opens a link that it’s not within the app’s website it will open to external browser

Here’s may .aia and .apk file
Symbianize2.apk (5.5 MB)
Symbianize2.aia (148.6 KB)

How do I make it so that when i click a link it opens a new tab/window?

Download Problem

When Downoad any file and that file downloaded using php post method then this web view download that page html file not file that we want to download.

The button on this web not clicked,but on companion run n clicked

The information you provided is not enough to understand the issue, please elaborate more.

Is there any way to get the length of the webpage? I display long strip manga using the webview and I and trying to implement a read feature

Probably ContentHeight method can be helpful.

I tried using ContentHeight however when I tried to compare it with scroll-y, it exceeded the amount that ContentHeight was reporting

Debug output with numbers (scroll-y/ContentHeight)

Can you check this one?
com.sunny.CustomWebView.aix (80.2 KB)

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It fails when I try to import it into Kodular. BTW, I am using a modified version that removes any permission that requires a privacy policy

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absen.aia (166.5 KB)

please help me, after export button not clickable

what is adhost and how to use, I clicked blockads check box but it’s not working…

Try in a new project, it should get imported.
This one gives more accurate results but still not correct.
com.sunny.CustomWebView.aix (75.9 KB)

Accuracy can be increased with below method:

VerticalArrangement1 is the container of webview.

Can you elaborate a little more?

Yes that’s not enough.
Have a look:

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