CustomWebView : An extended form of Web Viewer

Facing error 403 for google login inside this web-viewer app

You need to set User Agent.

can u tell me what to type there?
Check this one.

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Still facing issue… will u please tell me what exactly need to put in user agent? Also is it okay on screen initialize?

Kindly read the previous posts or at least search for your query.


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yes I did so, but later found your comment that has some issue on 5.0, so I was trying with direct typing, let me test that again, may be facing error because of `Cookies

This block is not working for me:

And one more thing will you please tell me, how to implement this? for this site: Tryit Editor v3.6

blocks (6)


Let me check.

Use this method:

I tried with notifier text input dialog, but no response, if possible try…

Awesome extension @vknow360. This has helped me a lot :innocent: . Thanks

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I am also waiting for this solution.

After using this method, if first time app is opened only via external link, and if app is not closed, and trying to open another external link, it’s working with second link, but app is reopening from starting and my previous opened tabs are closing.

But if first time app is directly opened by user, then trying to open external link after app minimizing, this is not working, even this time app is not reopening, it’s resuming with same previous value.
Do something on app resume or something else.

Sorry for being late…I was having a bad time with emulators.

I have done some tests (using AI2 companion) and it works fine.
Here you can see the result:

My blocks:

I tested this too and it is working:

My blocks:


Thank you and Welcome :hugs:

I will fix this in the next version and give you an option to choose which screen you want to be opened after clicking link.


TL;DR IgnoreSLL block doesnt work (I’m testing with v8).

So here is the issue. I’m testing my app with a locally deployed backend with self-signed certificate.
The IgnoreSSL block doesn’t seem to work. It works with Kodular’s default Webview.


Strangely enough, if I add both default Webview and CustomWebView in an app, and run the link from the default Webview at least once, then CustomWebView starts ignoring SSL errors. That means the IgnoreSSL needs to be ‘activated’ at least once from the default webview; before you could use the IgnoreSSL block in CustomWebview.
That means, there seems to be some issue with the permissions in CustomWebView backend.CustomWebview_Test_v4.aia (64.1 KB)

You are not making any webview.
Since there is no active webview so any property and method will not work.

Actually this is only working on direct google logins, but while I am trying to login into this type of sites: ( ) via google is not allowing.

What happens when you use a valid user agent like Chrome’s?

I will eagerly wait for this.

TL;DR Still doesn’t work.

Okay, now I corrected it further. I added the SetWebView block. It correctly loads websites with valid certificate. However, the IgnoreSSL block doesn’t work.
CustomWebview_Test_v6.aia (64.2 KB)

I will check this tomorrow.
Sorry for inconvenience.