CustomWebView : An extended form of Web Viewer

I don’t think there is any difference.
Both methods check for ignoreSslErros value and proceed and cancel handler according to that.
Don’t worry I will fix it in v9.
Edit: Removing if condition made it work.

You would like to check my latest guide.

Kindly elaborate.


v9 may broke your project.
Because after update all webviews will be able to trigger all events with their respective id.
So I will suggest to make a backup of your project before you update the extension.

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my project close i use your blocks then?

Then maybe just a reset is needed. After triggering Ignore SSL block just once in a default Webview enables CustomWebView to proceed with ignoring SSL errors on the same screen.


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Always showing deeplink. But I made it falls on my app

@vknow360 I am unable to give permission to mic and camera in custom webview
Any tutorial?

You can contact him through his website or write a comment in the topic.

See here @anon25683304

I closed your other topic. Don’t double post. That is not allowed.


Hi, can you please add OnFormSubmission event block to know that the user just submitted any HTML form…

Just like the OnFormResubmission block.


The dev. of Extension is not in Community for one year. You can contact him through his website or comment on the custom webview topic there.


@themaayur In my app users need to upload an image file but when the button which is contained in the website is pressed nothing happens

Edit : I have figured it out.

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please provide the solution to the problem then…
this community is to help each other…
and your answer can help others with the same issue in future… thank you…



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here is how I enabled file uploading in my app. I used file tools extension from sunny gupta to get content uri from path.



I was able to select a file of my device when file upload is needed. but when submitting the form in the site I receive net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.

What could be the error? Path?

There is a new version of this extension.
Version 9

It fixes SSL errors and other stuff.


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Hi @pkalyan and @vknow360. What are the blocks you did to download a file using this customwebviewer ? I Need to download a .pdf file. I was using extendedwebview component and it was downloading fine. Now, with CustomWebview I am getting Runtime Error: Unsupported path /storage/emulated/0/Download

And this is my block. Am I missing something?

Which android version is there in your device, if it’s android 10 then there maybe the issue.
You can’t write in /storage/emulated/0 dir
You will have to use ASD ( Application Specific Directory )

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Hello, Can you help me how to run this html file in webview (793 Bytes)

Never tried it. I think there is a block for loading html
Got it :point_down: