Daily Challenge #61

You have a mistake here. Check it out. The correct must be Efgbcd5411&%

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Ah, :poop:! I am wondering why it’s not working :joy:

Yes, you’re right, sorry for the mistake. will change it.


Then I guess your program has a mistake too?

Nope, I didn’t write the example from the program, I just did it in my head, so that’s why the mistake came. Programs are 100% clear every time, it depends on the person, but brains are never 100% clear and right! :joy:

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Do you really need the screen also? The procedure is not enough?

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Yes, the Procedure is enough but it’s better to show the screen, too because there, you can set the maximum of the shift step, a start button and also it shows the encrypted text better. So, make what you want. :upside_down_face: :joy:

I will post the solution tomorrow because I don’t want to spoil anything.

My Solution

dailychallenge61.aia (6.5 KB)

Can you post your blocks?


Yes, it’s a solution. I have something else, but it’s ok. Very good job!

Not optimized but a solution. Send me also your way in private if you don’t want here

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Can you please export your blocks as an image and post them here instead of uploading an AIA file?

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@Yoshi wanted a screen. How can i send a screen in image?

Just export the blocks, it will be acceptable and understandable.

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And this is something similar, I think.

PS: I will share my solution tomorrow, too. I just read this:

This for the creator of the daily challenge. I don’t find the reason for the one who participate to wait a day. That’s why i hide my solution. If someone don’t want to see it, he don’t open it.

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Just a question: should I just post blocks and images or an .AIA too?

Just blocks is enough.


Oh Peter, chill. It’s been 2 minutes. :joy: :rofl: