Daily Challenge #65

Aargh! Again too late! Next time, I will PM the maker of the daily challenge and ask him for the DC and then I would have the solution before he even posts it.

Or I just would make the DC myself :joy:


This can be a solution:

blocks (34)



And yes sorry for making an easy daily challenge!

This is new solution as number of blocks used is less than @onstudios solution. And linear pair is only used once.

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Haha no worries. It’s also not good to make a too hard DC, so I think yours was perfect for today.

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How can I mark two answers as a solution??

No, I tried to do that but it is not possible!

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That is not a problem. I really like that the daily challenges came back to life. :+1:


Here is my solution without repeating blocks :slightly_smiling_face:



blocks (1)
New solution below

An interesting way. Using modulo can help in sooooo many situations!

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Can I ask how it returns like a Python list? For me, it always returns a regular YailList like: (1 2 4)

Aaand it also doesn’t look like Kodular, but like AppInventor, I think


Reduced Blocks

blocks (3)

blocks (4)

Yes, but i did it unnecessarily

That’s what I said :joy: :joy: :joy:

Sorry but can you elaborate this more?

Yes you are right.
I am working on an extension which I need to test frequently so I use App Inventor for testing.That’s why I created procedure in App Inventor.

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Your list is in a format like [1,2,3] and mine is (1 2 3). Maybe it’s because you are using App Inventor?

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