Deep Links on webview

Hey How to edit deephost deeplinks extension
Can anyone please make me a customised deeplinks extension of deep host

Questions about deephost extensions aren’t allowed here, because he isn’t active in the community, and he doesn’t support his extensions.

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@Peter pls have a look at the topic

like what do you want to customize?

I want to customise it’s domain name and type 1 and 2 prefix

Then which extension I want to use

I want deeplink url to open in my webview how to do

Deephost extensions are not allowed in the Community


Then which extension I want to use

I want deeplink url to open in my webview how to do

You can use @vknow 's extension

Which extension

I tried this extension 3 days before but it’s not working

I will share my aia file can anyone just customise this aia fileADP___.aia (254.3 KB)

Ok Share it but change the title of the topic coz deephost…

You are using extensions from deephost. That is not allowed. They are in your aia. Don’t double post. That is reason for suspension from the community.