Delete button created but not deleting selecting value

how did i delete a selected thing help me outblocks (26) blocks (27)

Hi. You want to delete the selected one in Colin list view from spreadsheet?

yes i want like thatblocks (26) blocks (29)

I don’t remember but I think you can’t delete one item from spreadsheet but all the row. You can update one item , example: before its value was Nome item then you can update to zero or no data or empty … but I have to check spreadsheet block. So you have to find the row and the column of the data to update its value

i want to delete a row thats why i use this blocks

And what is the problem ? Isn’t row deleted from airtable? Cause it won’t show in your app till you refresh airtable data

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Verify that the variable is saved right :+1:t2:

How did do this

Since you are opening Screen2, next time you return to Screen1 data should be refreshed

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