[Deprecated] Admob Extension - Add different types of AdMob ads in your application

Please is this still working

Please guide m something about this

To use this ad extension you’ve to be a Premium user.

<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.version" android:value="12451000"/>

Remove this line from main extension’s /files/component_build_infos.json file using any Zip software.

An error occurred while running bundletool build-apks on your uploaded App Bundle. Ensure that your App Bundle is valid by running bundletool build-apks locally and try again. Learn more. Error: Found multiple elements for key ‘com.google.android.gms.version’, expected at most on

app not uploading in playstore this error is showing

You need to edit apk .

There is no problem when extracting the apk, but when I want to export the aab file, I get an error.

This extension is now deprecated, you might search for latest alternatives.