[DISCONTINUED] Extension to download file(s) to ASD (app-specific directory) without WRITE permission

great… please provide a screenshot of your solution to help others with the same problem in future… thank you…


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worked for me, to download each item when not available in asd/audio

if file exist exxo player ready to start


Hi guys,

Can anybody help me, I can download and install the apks, however, I need to do this for 4 different files, and when it performs the installation of the second, third and fourth apk, it opens the installation of all downloaded apks and already previously installed

Check if the app already is installed, and only if not, then install it


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i made it in the first block if exist open, else download apk and run installer, this process is ok, the problem is on this moment, after install, the selected app, start installer for the another apps downloaded previous.

the strange is when i click on DO IT te result is this:

Do It Result: “/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.makeroid.companion/files/apps/youcine/youcine.apk” (this is correct)

Do It Result: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.makeroid.companion/files/apps/youtube.apk :man_shrugging:

for every files do it on the join block show the correct path and the second result youtube .apk

I’m not sure, if I understand correctly, but probably the author @vknow360 of the PkgUtils extension has an idea…


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@bodymindpower -
I’m having problems restarting the app when the internet connection is bad or the file doesn’t exist on the server. So I had to use a download component element (get_file_size). if the file exists and is greater than 0,1kb then I download it. If you can add this GET query method that would be great.


I made a change that made it even better.


can we download apk?

Hello, sorry I wanted to ask about the global idnya6236. What all is listed there? Is that the link of the file? Thank you, I’m new to Kodular, please help.

Extension is not sdk 34 compatible and will not work anymore, see also App crash after updating, RECEIVER_EXPORTED - #5 by Mr_YouTuber_Official

Alternatively use


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