Does Disabling Blocks or putting them in the backpack reduce lag?

Will doing the following reduce lag and/or reduce cpu usage:

  1. Disabling blocks
  2. putting things in backpack
  3. not constantly being connected to companion/device/simulator?
  4. Use local vs gobal variables?
  5. Deleting unused global variables
  6. Deleting Stray unconnected blocks
  7. Deleting unused components in designer

I know the standard advice about using less screens and more procedures to reduce blocks. But I want to know other methods too such as the ones I stated above. Any other tips are welcome.

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What have you tried?
For me, I’d collapse blocks.


In this case, it will reduce lag if you aren’t connected

I don’t know about other cases:crazy_face:

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I see. That works in your experience? That is just like putting things in backpack if you don’t use something, no?

No when you collapse some blocks they continue to function but takes less screen space.
Whereas if you put them in backpack and delete from main code, they will be no longer functional.


It works better, before it was like my whole project lag
but not the best

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I can confirm that collapsing blocks work. By the same notion, I suspect that putting things in the backpack would work, because there are less graphic elements. As would reducing anything that appears as graphics on the creator site, such as variables and unused blocks. I believe that all lags on the site are graphics based. I don’t know about adding components on the designer though

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