[DISCONTINUED] Download an APK to App-Specific Directory (ASD) and install it without permissions

I have now tested v.6 of your extension provided.

It works without any complications when compiling. It downloaded and started the installation like it should :+1: :clap:

Thank you :blush:

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I added also two new blocks now, so you can check if the APK is already downloaded (exists) and you can delete it again.

I’ll release this version then tomorrow.


Just done.

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Try now, might be it will work now with both extensions​:+1:

This also includes @Alex :blush:

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i am installing apk in app .
i have test it on adroid 6 its working great,
but same method dose not working in android 11 ,
please help

are you using the latest version 6 of the extension?

Yes i am using latest version ,
Also i am downloading same application apk file and trying to install it .
Is this method cause error ?

Hi. Could it be that on Android 6 the path E-billing will be created automatic if not exists, but on Android 11 not?

I use Android 11 on both phones and have no problem with install after download.

Tried to download directly to ASD and see if that works?

Apk download successfully in ASD , in both android versions 6 and 11.
But when i use install that apk , it installed successfully on Android 6 but not even open in android 11

Are you downloading same application in asd and then installing it ?
Or you are downloading another application?

Actually tried both. And both works fine for me.

Edit: Have you tried to download the APK manually to phone with Android 11 to see if it actually starts install when you open file?

Yes after download in asd , i tried to install with extension in android 11 but nothing happens, then i manually install it and get successfully installed

@bodymindpower any solution for me ??

Kodular does not declare
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES"/>
in the Manifest (like AI2 does). So added it now to the extension:

Try this one: de.bodymindpower.installApk.aix (11.2 KB)


thanks it is working now

Good afternoon,


Can you help me with this error?

Hi! I’m a beginner, I made these blocks that after downloading the apk via webviewer, it opens the folder where it was saved, I would just like to implement it by opening a download folder, after downloading it go to installation. someday?

Its working, I will to test the new version because in plays console, probllem with InstalPackage

hi anke, i am trying to use your extension. What I want to do is this: After the file is loaded, I want to ensure that the installation is completed without the “install” button for the installation. Is this possible?