Dynamic Card with Dynamic Image

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blocks - 2023-11-01T110846.046

exactly this

I’ll try now, thanks

EURECA!! This is how it works!! A huge thank you to everyone! Thank you so much

Eureka actually belongs to me :slight_smile: but anyway glad I could help

THANK YOU SO MUCH, you were really good!! Thanks also to Ruben_Pietrobelli e
riadaska for all the support I received, bye :wink:

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I don’t see the need to delete and recreate all the views with each scan, neither does using a for loop, if it can be incremental.

If @Gianluca_Aversa had seen the examples I left him, he would have resolved it immediately, but it seemed that he was looking for the finished aia to be delivered to him.

I apologize if you doubted me to get an AIA file for free, but above all I THANK YOU mainly for your time to answer me, I am immensely sorry if you thought this of me, I felt broken down with no way out and thanks to you I solved this little (for you) problem that seemed insurmountable to me as a beginner!
Immensely thank you again my friend Gastonn, please forgive me again, bye :slight_smile: