Dynamic cardview

Hello Koders,

I tried a lot of methods but failed.

I want to get all tags (tags are dynamically created) with values and create dynamic card view as many times to the no. of tags available. and I get the values which should be in dynamic label which should be in card view.
Note - 1 Tag = 1 value (I have joined all values together, further I will split them).

In Two ways you can achieve this

  1. By using web component method
  2. Calling proper tag list

Use the firebase bucket as that 94*****received and call tag list. You will be getting all the tags under this phone number and create a cardview according to the length of this list

I tried it for a chatting app but the app was crashing when Got new ID changed I don’t know how to make this to not crash!

Sorry, I have no idea about chat app and it’s structure and all. May be any chat guide will be helpful to you. You can get it in our community.

thanks for your response, it would be soo good to get some blocks hint.

Using web component set url to https://<PROJECTID>.firebaseio.com/.json, call web get. When web got text the response is in json format. Use dictionary blocks to get data

I use Bucket to call all data

also like this using webview
blocks (14)

then from the webview I get all the data

After that I call a procedure to get all the chatting data

I get also from this

That is how I do but the app sometime crushes @Still-learning I don’t know how to solve it maybe you can try from your end

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