hello koders,
I’m trying some list making with dynamic component extension of @yusufcihan .
but facing issues with “expected a uniqe id, got HorizontalA”
tried many things but failed. I’m giving Details here. Please help me.
{ "name": "Order History ListView", "metadata-version": 1, "author": "Morsalin", "platforms": [ "Kodular" ], "keys": [ "count", "Hbg", "time", "from", "to", "formp", "forma", "toa", "top", "user", "status" ], "components": [ { "id": "HorizontalA{count}", "type": "HorizontalArrangement", "properties": { "AlignVertical": 2, "BackgroundColor": "{Hbg}", "HeightPercent": 9, "Width": -2 }, "components": [ { "id": "Labela_{count}", "type": "Label", "properties": { "FontSize": 10, "Heigh": -1, "WidthPercent": 12, "Text": "{time}", "TextAlignment": 1 } }, { "id": "Card{count}", "type": "MakeroidCardView", "properties": { "BackgroundColor": 16777215, "AlignHorizontal": 1, "AlignVertical": 2, "Width": -2, "Height": -2, "ContentPaddingBottom": 0, "ContentPaddingLeft": 0, "ContentPaddingRight": 0, "ContentPaddingTop": 0, "Elevation": 0 }, "components": [ { "id": "Horizontal1C_{count}", "type": "HorizontalArrangement", "properties": { "AlignHorizontal": 1, "AlignVertical": 2, "Width": -2, "Height": -1 }, "components": [ { "id": "Label1C_{count}", "type": "Label", "properties": { "FontSize": 10, "TextAlignment": 1, "Text": "{from}" } }, { "id": "Label1CC_{count}", "type": "Label", "properties": { "FontBold": true, "FontSize": 15, "TextColor": -16752385, "FontTypeface": 7, "TextAlignment": 1, "Text": "arrow_forward" } }, { "id": "Label1CCC_{count}", "type": "Label", "properties": { "FontSize": 10, "TextAlignment": 1, "Text": "{to}" } } ] }, { "id": "Horizontal2C_{count}", "type": "HorizontalArrangement", "properties": { "AlignHorizontal": 1, "AlignVertical": 2, "Width": -2, "Height": -1 }, "components": [ { "id": "ImageC_{count}", "type": "Image", "properties": { "Height": 20, "Width": 20, "Picture": "{formp}" } }, { "id": "Label2C_{count}", "type": "Label", "properties": { "FontSize": 10, "TextAlignment": 1, "Text": "{forma}" } }, { "id": "Label2CC_{count}", "type": "Label", "properties": { "FontSize": 15, "TextColor": -13508585, "FontTypeface": 7, "TextAlignment": 1, "Text": "sync_alt" } }, { "id": "Label2CCC_{count}", "type": "Label", "properties": { "FontSize": 10, "TextAlignment": 1, "Text": "{toa}" } }, { "id": "ImageCC_{count}", "type": "Image", "properties": { "Height": 20, "Width": 20, "Picture": "{top}" } } ] } ] }, { "id": "Labelb_{count}", "type": "Label", "properties": { "FontSize": 10, "Heigh": -1, "WidthPercent": 14, "Text": "{user}", "TextAlignment": 1 } }, { "id": "button{count}", "type": "Button", "properties": { "Font Bold": true, "FontSize": 11, "Height": 40, "WidthPercent": 22, "TextAlignment": 1, "TextColor": -1, "Text": "{status}" } } ] } ] }